Plant Of Life CBD WAX 66% CBD
Plant Of Life CBD WAX 66% CBD
Plant Of Life has been working with CBD extractions for more than 10 years.
Certified by the CTAEX, a highly recognized Spanish laboratory
CBD levels reach 66%.
THC levels contain less than 0.2%.
Natural terpenes
What is the difference between CBD and terpenes?
Terpenes are compounds present in a variety of plants and contribute to their flavor, aroma, and color. They interact synergistically with cannabinoids to create what scientists call an "entourage effect" that enhances the effects of individual plant components.
Plant Of Life Extractions
All our CBD extractions are fully natural.
Extracted with CO2, without traces of chemical agents or compounds.
Our solids contain less than 0.20% THC.
CBD is not toxic, addictive, or harmful.
This product is not a narcotic.
It does not produce any psychoactive effect.